North Rockland Chamber of Commerce
Serving the Towns of Haverstraw, Stony Point and surrounding areas of North Rockland, NY
Would you like to save years of your life spent resolving issues, problems or conflicts that might not even be yours?
Would you like to save hours a day feeling anxiety, instead changing your thoughts and emotions in less than a minute?
Would you like to live a peaceful, harmonious and balanced life free of frustration, aggravation and stress and making room for joy, happiness and fun?
If the answer is yes to any of the above, come and experience The Gems of Excellence program in action, which is the foundation course of Geotran. Geotran clears (past) negative experiences allowing you to re-discover your AUTHENTIC SELF, at the same time it integrates your OWN future goals and dreams.
Marija Santo-Sarnyai is a Geotran practitioner, who has dedicated her life to helping people re-discover themselves, and to keep their marriages and families together for a noble cause.
Members $15 Past members, friends and guests: $20